In order to carry out all projects that our club is involved with throughout the year, each member is asked to join one or more committees.

Name | Chairs | Description |
Boast | Line, Fil | Promote our members to our members |
Buckeye Ticket Raffle | Barnes, Robert | This committee is responsible for coordinating our annual fundraising program that raffles off two season tickets to Ohio State football. Kiwanis clubs from throughout Ohio, along with a variety of other non-profit organizations, sell raffle tickets on our behalf and receive a portion of each sale for their own local needs. Proceeds go to support the Columbus Kiwanis Foundation and its community grant and scholarship programs. |
Club Officers and Trustees | Coons, Lynn | The Club officers and the Trustees are responsible for running the administration of the Club. They meet monthly along with committee chairs to facilitate the activities of the club. Lynn Coons, Club President Merri Bame, President Elect Chad Gardner, Vice President Rob Mackey, Treasurer Kim Welty, Secretary JP LaFramboise, Immediate Past President Trustees Ben Mahlke Rob Mackey Jeremy Blake Kelli Bates |
College Fair | Lacey, Daniel | College Fair |
Columbus Charity Regatta | Haemmerle, Mike Bates, Kelli | Online Regatta Race for the 25th Charity Regatta, begins Saturday, July 1, 2023 and runs through midnight Monday, July 31. In the meantime, the Live Race on Kaufman Plaza behind the Columbus Metropolitan Library is on Thursday, July 27th. Stay tuned for more info! WHAT THIS IS ABOUT: A fun and unique fundraiser to support the Columbus Kiwanis Foundation and its community grant program for 501(c)3 organizations working with children and children's issues. The Fundraiser is in two parts - a month-long online campaign of offering votes for a dollar so participants can collect constituant funding and a live event that showcases all participants on a fun Regatta in tubs of water and squirt guns while racing for the top three finishes and more funding to be added to the online race! The live event is a double elimination competition where participants race a small wooden sailboat across a small pool of water using super-soaker squirt guns. Winners gain points/dollars for the on-going online competition. As a planning committee we meet via Zoom, the first Wednesday of the month at 8am until March, and then we meet the first and third Wednesdays of the month, using the code below. Join us! |
Columbus Coolest Dog Contest | Kiefaber, Bill | An event to find the Coolest Dog in Columbus |
Communications | Welty, Kimberly | This team will work to give our Club exposure through Weekly Updates, Website and Social Media management. |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | Blake, Jeremy | This committee supports diversity and inclusion initiatives in our club |
Finance | Mackey, Robert | Standing committee of the club |
Foundation Trustees | Coons, Ted | The Trustees of the Columbus Kiwanis Foundation meet quarterly and as needed to guide the direction of the Foundation. |
Golf | Christman, Thomas | This committee organizes a series of golf outings throughout the spring, summer and fall. Members and their guests are invited to play a very casual round of golf at different courses throughout the area. In most cases, fellowship (lunch/dinner/beverages) before and after is included |
Grant Review | Roberts, Kathleen Jolley, Lisa | This committee receives, reviews, evaluates and rates the grant applications that are received during our grant presentation cycles. Its recommendations go to the Trustees for approval and potential funding. |
Hearts and Hands | Fogle, Corin | This committee is charged with seeking out opportunities for the Club members to support those less fortunate or homeless in the community, through various hands-on service projects and funding of special needs. |
House Committee | Wiseman, Bob | This committee is responsible for coordinating the weekly luncheon reservations and handling check-in each week. |
InterClub | Christman, Thomas | This committee is charged with organizing groups of four or more to visit a club meeting or event of each of the other Kiwanis within Division 10-W and the surrounding areas. |
Kiwanis One Day | Gardner, Chad | Kiwanis One Day |
Laws and Regulations | Endsley, Chad | To review and advise on questions related our rules and regulations. |
Membership | Nygren, Jeff | This committee is charged with coordinating our Clubs effort to attract and retain members. |
Nominating | LaFramboise, J.P. | To nominate trustee candates |
PortalBuzz Transition | Lindsey, Scott | Committee to evaluate and implement solutions before PortalBuzz ends on Feb 29, 2024. |
Program | Logan, Colin | This committee is responsible for identifying, recruiting and coordinating the speakers at our weekly meeting. They meet monthly via Zoom at noon on the Second Wednesday of each month. All members are invited to participate using the same zoom address as for regular club meetings. |
Scholarship | Ballinger, Shawn | This committee works closely with the Columbus Foundation in administering our annual scholarship program to Columbus City High School students. The committee is involved with the final evaluation of the applications and scholarships are awarded in the spring. |
Senior | Roberts, Kathleen | his committee is charged with finding hand-on projects and/or needs with the senior citizen community. |
Service Leadership Programs | Gardner, Chad | Service Leadership Programs |
Social | Huntington, Leslie Calvert, Bill | To arrange for social activities |
Spiritual Aims | Royster, Mareion | For the Kiwanis Club of Columbus’s 2023-24 club year, the Spiritual Aims Committee intends to execute the following: Mission: To enhance fellowship and assimilation for Club members through directed spiritual initiatives and scheduling Greeters and Reflective Moment presenters. Goals for 2023-24: 1. Expansion of committee members and increased delegation of committee duties 2. Acknowledgement and celebration of various religious events and holidays 3. Increase participation for Greeters and Reflective Moment presenters, specifically among newer members. Major Initiatives for 2023-24: 1. Fulfill annual request for funds of $2,500 via the Howard Kraft Fund be donated to the Salvation Army in the initial months of the 2022-23 Kiwanis year. 2. Identify two opportunities for SA committee to support a local spiritual organization. 3. Identify three opportunities for local religious leaders to attend a club meeting or function, perhaps as keynote speaker. |
Young Children Priority One | Black, Susan | This committee is charged with finding and organizing hands-on volunteer opportunities with agencies working with children from newborn to age 5. They also seek out areas of need to support financially through small foundation grants. |